Tevi Hirschhorn—Product Leader

I’m a product leader located in Israel, working globally. I embraced the remote work lifestyle 9 years ago, and write about leading and managing remote teams.

As a product leader, I’m a tinkerer and a creative at my core. I enjoy photography (❤ my Sony A7iii ) and I write and illustrate children’s books. I have trouble leaving well enough alone, and despite crushing product execution at AppSumo, and being a busy dad of 5, I am building CBT Buddy, a tool to help therapists improve patient outcomes with their therapy program.

I enjoy building intentional culture and I’m an avid reader. Some of my recent reads are No Rules Rules, The Big Short, The Cult of We, and Shoe Dog. I also love to give back to the community, mentoring startups, designers, and speaking on UX and product topics.

Get in touch! Email me at tevi@tevster.com.

Tevi Hirschhorn - product and design leader