Do you know who you’re designing for?

I am mentoring a Jerusalem startup, Datovo, on the user experience of their products. They’re still pretty early in their process, and I was talking with founder Yuval Wirzberger (great guy!) about who would be using their mobile app. Yuval’s initial pitch...

Tevster Update: Issue 001

The Next UX revolution: Transforming Stodgy Enterprise Applications in Engaging Experiences Marc Scibelli, writing for UX Magazine, tells us how to create a user experience team for the enterprise. Nano-Coaching Helping people learn with smaller and more frequent...

I Hate Users

That’s right. I hate users. “Users” is a technical word, as in “user error.” A user is the vague being that’s manipulating your precious machinery and software applications. They’re impersonal. They make mistakes. They get in the way. Designing for users means you’re...

Eating My Own Dog Food

Business was in the doldrums for a while, which was the real impetus for my website redesign. I hadn’t done any sales or marketing since I went out on my own, more than 2 years ago, and I had barely done any networking, and only 1 UX event in the past year. With...

The Case for Usability

At a previous employer where I was tasked with leading up their new user experience team, it became apparent we needed to hire usability specialists. I was simply stretched too thin to handle it all on my own. I was already handling user research – which...

What’s Your User Experience goal?

I find myself explaining what user experience is less and less, as people become more familiar with it. It’s a given in any technology company that UX is necessary. People know they need, “a good user experience,” but people don’t usually know...